National Institute of Crime Prevention
Online Training
Social workers and victim advocates receive 13 CEU hours.
We’re excited to announce our new Advanced Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Training Online Course! It’s the same information as our In-Person Classes, but from the comfort of your computer, and at your own pace.
In-Person Training
Social workers and victim advocates receive 21 CEU hours.
Our classes are three days long and cover the topics of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. The information is new and relevant, not the same old stuff you have heard before. Our classes are held in accordance with CDC guidelines.
We Will Come to You
We will customize a program to meet your needs. If you already have a conference planned and would like one of our instructors to present one or more topics, we will be glad to work with you.
Refund Policy: If you need to cancel a class for any reason after payment, we offer a 100% refund
or the option to reschedule for a future class at your convenience. Call Bill Rousseau (813) 841-8088.
Privacy Policy: The NICP does not collect, distribute, or sell your information.
The Live, in-Person Training is Approved by the United States Department of Defense
This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886649726-5260)
for 21 continuing education contact hours.
National Training
The National Institute of Crime Prevention hosts nine training classes yearly in five cities nationwide. (See the training schedule to the right). The classes are three days long and cover the topics of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. There are sixteen dynamic topics presented throughout the class. The information is new and relevant, not the same old stuff you have heard before. The topics are behaviorally based, psychologically based, and based on 29 years of law enforcement experience & 20 years of training experience learning from our attendees.We welcome law enforcement officers, victim advocates, social workers, MSWs, LCSWs, therapists, military SHARPs SAPRs, and SARCs, nurses, educators, rape counselors, batterer’s prevention counselors, and Native American leaders.
Call Bill Rousseau for more details (813) 841-8088 or Patrick Swanton (254) 340-8621
We will come to you!
Our instructors have a diverse background of specialties and have been nationally recognized as experts in their fields. We truly believe in providing quality domestic abuse and sexual assault training to build a safer community for all. Our mission is to provide law enforcement, victim advocates, judges, prosecutors, military personnel, educators, and public health workers quality training regarding domestic violence and sexual assault issues that affect victims’ day to day lives.
We can customize a program for you and present it on the site of your choice.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Basic, Advanced, and Specialized CPTED Training
Or call Joelle Hushan at (864) 608-4894
for more information